Integration of DNS Server and VMware Aria Automation 8 to Create DNS Records on Microsoft DNS Server

In this post, I’ll describe how to create a DNS record when the cloud template configuration sets a static IP address on a cloud VM after deployment.


  • Ensure your assembler template works fine and sets the hostname and IP address on the deployed VM.
  • Add the Microsoft DNS server as a PowerShell host in VMware Aria Orchestrator.

    Steps to Add the DNS Server as a PowerShell Host

    • Find the Workflow “Add a PowerShell host” and run it.
    • Provide the name, IP address of the DNS Server, port, and protocol.
    • The port for HTTP is 5985 and for HTTPS is 5986.
    • For production, use HTTPS, but for lab environments, no security configuration is required.
    • If the workflow fails to run because the remote target (DNS server) does not allow remote connections, run these commands locally on the DNS server:
      # Enable-PSRemoting -Force
      # Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value "Automation IP Address"
      # Set-ExecutionPolicy -Policy RemoteSigned

      After adding the DNS Server you will be able to see it on VRO inventory.

      This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is dns1-1024x591.png
      • Create a new Workflow and give it a name:
      • Go to the variables tab and create a new variable:
        • Name: host
        • Type: PowerShell:PowerShellHost
        • Value: dnsServer (or the name of the DNS server you added in the previous step)

      Create a Scriptable Task:

      • Go to the Schema tab and add a Scriptable task to the Schema graphical environment.
      • Run a test command to check everything works fine. Click on the scriptable task, open the general tab, and expand the inputs and outputs.
      • Add the host to inputs and go to the scripting tab. Select JavaScript and copy this script:
        var session = host.openSession();
        var command1 = "Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA -Name test01 -ZoneName domain.local -IPv4Address -CreatePtr";
        var result = session.invokeScript(command1);
        System.log("Command Sent: " + command1);
        System.log("Result: " + result);
        • Use the domain name of your environment inested of domain.local
        • Use a test IP address in your range. In this case, I use and for hostname use test01.
        • After a test run, you should see a record on your DNS server console.

          After running the test, you should update the Workflow as follows:

          • Add Inputs/Outputs:
          • Go to the inputs/outputs tab and create these:
            • Name: inputProperties, Type: Properties, Direction: input
            • Name: addresses, Type: Array/string, Direction: output
            • Name: hostname, Type: Array/string, Direction: output

            Update the Scriptable Task:

            • Go to the schema and click on the scriptable task. Go to the general tab and add inputProperties in input and hostname and addresses as the output.
            • Update the JavaScript code to:
              // Get the hostname and IP address properties from vRA
              var hostname = inputProperties.get("resourceNames");
              var addresses = inputProperties.get("addresses");
              // Open a PowerShell session
              var session = host.openSession();
              // Construct the PowerShell command using string concatenation
              var command1 = "Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA -Name " + hostname + " -ZoneName fardad.local -IPv4Address " + addresses + " -CreatePtr";
              // Execute the command
              var result = session.invokeScript(command1);
              // Log the result
              System.log("Command Sent: " + command1);
              System.log("Result: " + result);

              After this step your Workflow will look’s like this:

              1. Save and exit.

              Creating a Subscription

              1. Create a New Subscription:
              • Go to the extensibility tab and create a new subscription.
              • Give it a name and select Compute Post Provision as the event topic.
              • Check the filter event topic in the condition and write this code to filter the subscription to the cloud template you created:


     == 'last part of cloud template URL'
       == 'f206516c-17ab-4adc-bf20-bcb0280da2fb'
                • Select the workflow you created before as the action/workflow.
                • Select the project scope.
                • Save and exit.

                Testing the Workflow

                Deploy a Test Virtual Machine:

                  • Go to the design tab and select the cloud template.
                  • Deploy a test virtual machine.
                  • Wait for the deployment to complete.

                  After the deployment, you should see a DNS record with the exact same values on the DNS server.

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