How to install phpipam IP address management application on Ubuntu Server 24

How to install phpipam IP address management application on Ubuntu Server 24

phpipam is an open-source web IP address management application (IPAM). Its goal is to provide light, modern and useful IP address management. It is php-based application with MySQL database backend, using jQuery libraries, ajax and HTML5/CSS3 features. For more information and technical documentation visit


Before you begin, ensure you have:

  • An Ubuntu Server 2024 installation.
  • Sudo privileges to execute administrative commands.
  • A static IP address configured on your server for consistent network visibility.

Step 1: Update Software Repositories

Step 2: Install Available Software Updates

Step 3: Install Prerequisites

Step 4: Install Apache HTTPD and MySQL

Step 5: Install PHP Components

Step 6: Configure the MySQL Database and Secure Your Database

Run the security script to set root password and secure your MySQL installation:

Step 7: Login to the MySQL Database as the Root User

Step 8: Create a Database for phpIPAM

Execute the following SQL commands to create a new database and user for phpIPAM:


Exit to the terminal.

Note: Replace ipam_db, ipam_user, and ipam_password with your preferred database name, username, and password.

Step 9: Download phpIPAM Source Code from GitHub

Increase the Git Buffer Size

Clone Using HTTP/1.1

Clone in Parts

Step 10: Navigate to the Directory and Checkout the Latest Release

Step 11: Set the Owner of the phpIPAM Directory

Step 12: Copy Sample Config File

Step 13: Edit Config.php and Change the Values

Inside the config.php file, update the database connection details:


Bellow the database connection, add the following line.

Note: The values for user, pass, and name must be the same as those set during the database configuration.

Step 14: Enable mod_rewrite

Step 15: Restart the Apache Service

Step 16: Complete the Installation via Web Browser

  1. Navigate to http://<phpipam_IP_or_FQDN>/phpipam in your web browser.
  2. Click on New phpIPAM installation.
  3. Uncheck the Create new database and Set permission to tables.
  4. Proceed with Automatic Database Installation using the ipam_db credentials set earlier.
  5. Configure the admin login password and finish the installation.

Note: If you want to make server automatically discover nodes after configuration in defined subnets, add the lines bellow to /etc/crontab using nano or any text editor, then run the command to reload crontab service.

Save the file and exit. Run the bellow command to reload cron service

Note: 10 represents minutes and you can change it to your custom value.

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